Author: Pradeep

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  • Peacock breeds - 3 species, 15 different colors, 5 different patterns, and 225 breeds.

    Peacock Breeds: 3 Species | 15 Colors | 5 Body Patterns

    Peafowls are large, colorful birds. Male birds (peacocks) are well-known for their long, showy upper tail covert feathers and elaborate courtship displays.  Probably you may have seen Blue peacocks before since they are the most common ones. But, are they the only peacock type out there? How many peacock breeds are there in the world? …

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  • White birds in North Carolina - There are 16 white birds in North Carolina

    16 Amazing White Birds in North Carolina! [Photo and ID Guides]

    North Carolina is home to a number of beautiful white birds. With little effort, you can see many of them. But, how accurately can you ID the birds you see? This resource will help you to correctly ID 16 types of white birds in North Carolina.  This includes both common and rare white birds, white…

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  • Where do peacocks sleep? They sleep on tree and other high structures such as buildings etc.

    Where Do Peacocks Sleep? [They Hide the Head When Sleeping!]

    Peacocks are glamorous large birds that are popular for their beautiful plumage, striking calls, and fascinating courtship dances. They are diurnal (active during the day) and sleep at night. But, where do peacocks sleep? How do they sleep?   In this article, I will discuss everything related to the sleeping of peacocks including the locations they…

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  • Do hummingbirds eat bees and wasps?

    Do Hummingbirds Eat Bees and Wasps? All About Their Conflict!

    Hummingbirds, bees, wasps, and butterflies have one thing in common. They all love flower nectar. But, hummingbirds are nectarivorous and opportunistically insectivorous. And, research has shown that about 90% of the hummingbird diet consists of flower nectar in general.  So, can these tiny birds be a threat to bees and wasps? Do hummingbirds eat bees…

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  • Do hummingbirds eat spiders?

    Do Hummingbirds Eat Spiders? [But, Both Are Predators!]

    Hummingbirds are omnivores. Though their favorite food is flower nectar, to get the required protein and other nutrients, they eat insects too. But, other than insects, what are other animals they prefer? Do hummingbirds eat spiders?  The answer is yes! Hummingbirds will eat spiders, especially if spiders are small and not dangerous enough to displace…

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  • Do Robins Eat Butterflies? [Explained!]

    Robins are one of the most recognizable birds in North America and have a diet to match their friendly demeanor. As omnivores, they will eat both plants and animals to get the nutrients they need.  Earthworms, caterpillars, and beetles are a few popular animal items on Robins’ menu. But, as opportunistic eaters, they eat quite…

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  • Do hummingbirds eat butterflies?

    Do Hummingbirds Eat Butterflies? NO! [But, Can They Coexist?]

    In the Americas, there are over 350 species of hummingbirds. These tiny birds are known for their vibrant colors and their love of nectar. But what else do we know about them? For example, do they eat butterflies?  No. Hummingbirds do not eat butterflies. Though they are very different creatures, hummingbirds and butterflies can coexist…

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  • Do peacocks eat snakes

    Do Peacocks Eat Snakes? YES! [But, Eat Venomous Snakes?]

    Peacocks are omnivorous birds, which means that they eat both plants and animals. They usually eat whatever is available to them in their natural habitat. But, what about snakes?  Do peacocks eat snakes? Yes. peacocks attack, kill, and eat snakes. But, snakes are not one of their go-to meals. Even though they occasionally eat snakes,…

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  • Do peacocks attack humans

    Do Peacocks Attack Humans? (Don’t Ever Mess With Them!)

    Peacocks are popular for their beauty. Iridescent colors, long beautiful trains, and fascinating courtship dance are all eye-catching. Hence, we tend to go close to them if possible.  But, are they really friendly or aggressive toward humans? To be clear on the topic, I dig deep to find out whether peacocks attack humans or not.…

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  • Purple Peacocks - they are real!

    Are Purple Peacocks Real? YES! (20 Purple Peacock Varieties)

    Which color peacocks have you seen so far? blue, green, purple, red, pink, white? Well, you may have come across many people claiming they have seen peacocks in various colors. But, some of those claims are not true. To be honest, I have seen only blue peacocks, yet. But, since I got interested in finding…

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