Author: Pradeep

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  • Why do bald eagles have white heads

    Why Do Bald Eagles Have White Heads?

    Bald eagles are one of the most popular birds in North America. They are known for their impressive size, beautiful plumage, and strong beaks. Their majestic appearance and size make them stand out in the bird kingdom. And also, the bald eagle was designated as the national bird of the United States in 1782. The…

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  • Can birds breath underwater _F

    Can Birds Breathe Underwater? (Explained!)

    Birds are capable of doing many things that humans cannot do alone (without a machine). Of cause, flying is the obvious one. Other than that, some nocturnal birds such as Owls can see in the dark. Oilbirds, on the other hand, have advanced ears from which they locate their prey – the phenomenon called echolocation.…

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