How to Keep Praying Mantises Away From Hummingbird Feeders?




Do this to Keep Praying Mantises Away From Hummingbird Feeders

Imagine sitting on your porch, sipping a cool drink, and watching the delightful dance of hummingbirds visiting your feeder. It’s a serene moment until unexpected guests, praying mantises, decide to join the party. 

While mantises are fascinating creatures, they might not be the best company for your tiny, colorful avian visitors. 

In this post, we’ll explore simple, but practical ways to ensure that your hummingbird haven remains a mantis-free zone. Say goodbye to unwanted guests and hello to uninterrupted hummingbird bliss!

Understanding the Praying Mantis Predicament

The Fascinating World of Praying Mantises

Do this to Keep Praying Mantises Away From Hummingbird Feeders
How to Keep Praying Mantises Away From Hummingbird Feeders

Praying mantises are truly remarkable insects (insect order: Mantodea) that have captured the curiosity of many. 

They have a distinctive appearance, characterized by their elongated bodies and spiky forelimbs folded in a prayer-like stance. 

Mantises are stealthy predators, employing patience and precision in their hunting tactics. Their excellent vision and lightning-fast strikes make them skilled ambush hunters.

The Impact of Praying Mantises on Hummingbirds

While praying mantises’ unique characteristics may be captivating, their presence near hummingbird feeders can pose significant challenges. 

Hummingbirds are delicate and small, making them easy targets for mantises lying in wait even though hummingbirds are fast flyers. 

When a mantis successfully captures a hummingbird, it not only affects the individual bird but can also have wider implications for the local hummingbird population.

Praying mantises can disrupt the harmonious ecosystem you’ve cultivated for these charming birds. 

This is why it’s crucial to find a balance between appreciating the mantises’ natural beauty and ensuring the safety and well-being of the hummingbirds that grace your feeder. 

In the following sections, we’ll explore effective strategies for maintaining a mantis-free environment around your hummingbird feeders, allowing both mantises and hummingbirds to thrive separately in their own unique ways.

Creating a Praying Mantis-Resistant Feeding Environment

Choose Hummingbird-Friendly Plants

One effective strategy for maintaining a mantis-free zone around your hummingbird feeders is to carefully select hummingbird-friendly plants for your garden. 

Certain plants not only attract hummingbirds but also deter praying mantises. Consider including flowers like bee balm, salvia, and trumpet vine in your garden. These vibrant blooms are known to be hummingbird magnets while discouraging mantis visits.

To create an inviting habitat for hummingbirds, arrange these plants strategically near your feeder. This not only enhances the visual appeal of your garden but also provides the hummingbirds with alternative nectar sources, reducing their reliance on the feeder.

Natural Predators of Praying Mantises

Nature often provides its own solutions, and in the case of mantises, natural predators can play a crucial role in controlling their populations. 

Birds like sparrows and mockingbirds, as well as insects like dragonflies and wasps, are known mantis hunters (but only for juvenile mantis). 

Attracting these natural predators to your garden can help keep mantis numbers in check and control many juveniles becoming furious adults.

To invite these beneficial creatures, create a welcoming environment by offering food and shelter. Bird feeders with seeds, water sources, and birdhouses can make your garden more attractive to bird species that prey on mantises. 

Additionally, consider planting native vegetation to provide refuge and sustenance for mantis-hunting insects.

The Role of Weather and Habitat

Understanding how weather conditions and habitat affect mantis activity is key to deterring them from your hummingbird feeders. Praying mantises are more active during warm, dry weather, so be particularly vigilant during these conditions. 

Installing shade structures or placing feeders in shaded areas can help reduce mantis activity during hot spells.

Furthermore, consider placing your feeders at well-ventilated places in the garden. 

By manipulating these environmental factors, you can create an environment that is less conducive to mantis presence, ensuring your hummingbird visitors can enjoy their meals in peace.

Physical and Technological Solutions

Praying Mantis-Resistant Feeders

When it comes to keeping praying mantises at bay from your hummingbird feeders, you can turn to specially designed feeders that act as a barrier against these stealthy predators. 

These feeders are crafted with features that make it difficult for mantises to access the nectar. 

Look for feeders with built-in ant moats or moats that can also serve as mantis deterrents. These moats create an obstacle that mantises find challenging to navigate.

Additionally, some feeders have adjustable ports that allow you to control the size of the birds that can access the nectar. By choosing feeders with smaller ports, you can limit access to hummingbirds while keeping larger mantises out.

For those looking for specific product recommendations, brands like “Mantis-X” and models like the “Guardian Hummingbird Feeder” have gained a reputation for their mantis-resistant designs and effectiveness.

DIY Praying Mantis Deterrents

If you enjoy DIY projects and prefer a more hands-on approach, you can create your own praying mantis deterrents using common household items. 

A simple and effective solution is to fashion a barrier around your feeder’s hanger using pipe cleaners or slippery materials like fishing line or electrical tape. These slippery surfaces make it challenging for mantises to climb up to the feeder.

Alternatively, you can construct a physical barrier using mesh or fine netting that allows hummingbirds to access the feeder while keeping mantises out. 

DIY solutions offer cost-effective options, but it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons. While they can be effective, they may require more maintenance and adjustments compared to commercial mantis-resistant feeders.

Ultimately, the choice between commercial and DIY solutions depends on your preference and the level of mantis activity in your area. 

Whichever option you choose, these physical and technological solutions can help ensure that your hummingbird feeders remain a safe and inviting haven for these delightful avian visitors.

Best Practices for Feeder Maintenance and Monitoring

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

Maintaining a clean hummingbird feeder is paramount in your efforts to keep praying mantises away. Start by selecting a feeder that’s easy to disassemble, as thorough cleaning will be a regular task.

Begin by disassembling the feeder carefully, taking note of how each component fits together. Use a solution of one part white vinegar to four parts water to clean the feeder thoroughly. 

Scrub the interior with a bottle brush or a specially designed-feeder cleaning brush. Rinse the feeder components well with clean water.

Regular cleaning is essential not only to prevent mold and bacteria growth but also to deter mantises. 

Mantises are attracted to the residue left behind by hummingbirds, so a clean feeder is less likely to draw their attention. Make sure to refill the feeder with fresh nectar after cleaning.

Observing and Monitoring

Apart from cleaning, it’s crucial to set up a monitoring system to detect mantis activity near your hummingbird feeder. Position the feeder in a location that allows for easy observation. 

Regularly check the feeder and the area around it for signs of mantises.

Keep an eye out for any mantises lurking near the feeder or attempting to access it. 

These predators are patient hunters, often waiting for the perfect moment to strike. If you notice mantises frequently, consider implementing some of the deterrent methods mentioned earlier, such as creating barriers or using mantis-resistant feeders.

Or you can catch it and translocate it to a distant natural habitat (but to catch a mantis you need to learn how to catch it thus not recommending it for all)

Additionally, watch for signs that hummingbirds may be avoiding the feeder due to mantis presence. 

Hummingbirds may become cautious and skittish if they sense a threat, so changes in their behavior can be an early indicator of mantis activity.


To sum it up, we’ve learned some easy ways to make sure praying mantises don’t disrupt your hummingbird feeder joy. 

Whether it’s picking the right plants, making simple gadgets, or getting special feeders, there’s something for everyone. Just remember to keep your feeder clean and watch out for mantises.

Now, as you put these ideas into action, you can enjoy your hummingbird visitors without any mantis troubles. 

Let these amazing birds steal the show without any unexpected guests, and relish the beauty of hummingbirds undisturbed.

And don’t forget that Mantis is also a part of this complex web of life, therefore we need to accept that fact as well.
