Bird Watching Today is an online platform for birders, nature enthusiasts, and conservationists.
Our partners and contributors align to achieve three main objectives through this platform and other initiatives of “Bird Watching Today (BWT)”.
- Share knowledge on birds, birding, and bird conservation through different media (web, social media, books, etc).
- Support nurturing next-generation birders and nature enthusiasts through the “Back to the Wild With Kids (BWWK)” program.
- Participate actively in bird conservation through expert contributions and funding.
Knowledge sharing
Generally, we all know that birds are an important part of nature, which are fascinating and really joyful to watch.
But, bird watching becomes more thrilling and meaningful when we know a little more about the birds that we see, when and where to see them, and how they help us to sustain our environment.
So, our contributing experts and authors share their knowledge, thoughts, and experiences through this platform to help our readers enhance their birding experiences and increase their knowledge base.
And we believe that it will further change their attitudes toward a sustainable future where both birds and people can live in harmony.
Back to the Wild With Kids (BWWK) program
The benefits of birding are immense. We, at BWT, believe that birding is one of the enriching activities for the explorative minds of children. It will make their childhood more enjoyable and will help them to become loving individuals. And also when they grow up with nature they will definitely become responsible citizens who really care about nature.
In order to promote birding among our young generation and to bring them closer to nature, our team volunteers to conduct workshops, seminars, webinars, and talks to young audiences ranging from primary school children to university students.
Mostly, we try to conduct field-based workshops where participants can get first-hand experiences with nature. But, we also conduct online lectures and workshops on occasions where in-person participation of either our team or audiences is limited.
If your institute is interested in having a workshop under this program, contact us.
Active participation in the bird conservation activities
Responsible birding is what we practice and inspire others to practice. Enjoy nature, but at the same time protect it. Hence, bird conservation is the ultimate goal of all our efforts at BWT.
We participate in nature conservation-related research and bird monitoring and conservation programs and collaborate with local nature-based organizations such as Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka which is a partner organization of Birdlife International.
Align with that we plan to launch “BWT Funding” for conservation too. When we launch the project, it will be announced here.
If you are a nature enthusiast and willing to fund conservation projects focused on birds, contact us. We can provide ongoing and proposed conservation projects and activities for you to contribute to.
Resources provided at BWT are written and created by our contributing writers and birding enthusiasts and reviewed by expert editors at BWT.
Who is behind the BWT?
Kasun Dayananda (PhD), Editor in Chief

Kasun is a conservation ecologist. He completed his bachelor’s degree in science and master’s degree in ecology.
And, Kasun completed his PhD on how different land-use types affect forest bird movements. He has co-authored more than a dozen scientific research articles and a few book chapters.
Also, he is working as a national-level bird ringer and panel member of the bird expert committee to evaluate the conservation status of birds in Sri Lanka, as well as an expert panel member of Mammals and Spiders assigned by the Ministry of Environment, Sri Lanka.
Further, he is the secretary of the Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka and a past president of the Young Biologists’ Association of Sri Lanka.
He is the editor-in-chief of BWT and works as the principal resource person of the ‘BWWK’ program.
Pradeep Jayatilaka

Pradeep is working as the coordinator of the ‘BWWK’ program. And also, he is sharing his knowledge as a writer.
Pradeep was sparked to birding due to his habit of feeding birds in the backyard in several years back. And now he is a hobbyist birder and is now actively involved with many BWT activities.
Pradeep is a mechanical engineer by profession and has many years of experience in the industry as well as in academia. In his academic carrier, he mainly involves in teaching and research in energy conservation and the mitigation of environmental effects due to energy generation and use.
In addition, BWT receives contributions from various other birding experts and enthusiasts.
We all wish to help our readers and followers in the best possible way to enhance their birding experiences. We are happy to be your companion/guide in your bird watching journey.
Thanks for visiting Bird Watching Today. Stay tuned!
BWT Team